The security token we received from your identity provider doesn't specify a signature method. This is a potential security issue, but it isn't something you can fix yourself. Contact your administrator for help.
The security token we received didn't contain the expected claim: '{0}'. It appears that your Active Directory federation ...
The security token we received didn't contain the expected claim: '{0}'. This isn't something you can fix yourself. Contact ...
The security token we received didn't contain the expected URN '{0}' at '{1}'. It appears that your Active Directory federation ...
The security token we received from your identity provider did not contain a NameID value in the Subject element. This may ...
The security token we received from your identity provider doesn't specify a signature method. This is a potential security ...
The security token we received from your identity provider is not signed with the SHA-1 or SHA-256 algorithm. This is a potential ...
The selected items will automatically be moved to a folder of your choice under Inbox . If you don't find the item you were ...
The sender received an error from an email server outside Office 365 when trying to send the message. This is probably due ...
The sender you provided is a distribution group. Unfortunately, we only support tracing messages from individual email addresses. ...