Data Deduplication service encountered error while scaning dedup user files on volume %3. The error was %4. Some user file corruptions may not be reported.
Data Deduplication service encountered error while determining corrupted user files on volume %3. The error was %4. Some ...
Data Deduplication service encountered error while loading corruption logs on volume %3. The error was %4. The job continues. ...
Data Deduplication service encountered error while loading hotspots mapping from chunk store on volume %3. The error was ...
Data Deduplication service encountered error while repairing corruptions on volume %3. The error was %4. The repair is unsuccessful. ...
Data Deduplication service encountered error while scaning dedup user files on volume %3. The error was %4. Some user file ...
Data Deduplication service encountered too many errors while processing file on volume %3. The threshold was %4. Some user ...
Data Deduplication service found %4 corruption(s) on volume %3. %5 corruption(s) are fixed. %6 user file(s) are corrupted. ...
Data Deduplication service found %4 corruption(s) on volume %3. %6 user file(s) are corrupted. %7 user file(s) are fixable. ...
Data Deduplication service has finished scrubbing on volume %3. It did not find any corruption since the last scrubbing. ...