Syncml(203): Non-authoritative response. The request is being responded to by an entity other than the one targeted. The response is only to be returned when the request would have been resulted in a 200 response code from the authoritative target.
Synchronization component failed: the synchronization component failed to update the Site Database for the catalog (type ...
Synchronization component failed: Unable to read from %2. Type = %1. Possible cause: Typically, this error results when the ...
Synchronization component failed: Unable to write to %2. Type = %1. Possible cause: Typically, this error results when the ...
Syncml(202): Accepted for processing. The request to either run a remote execution of an application or to alert a user or ...
Syncml(203): Non-authoritative response. The request is being responded to by an entity other than the one targeted. The ...
Syncml(204): The request was successfully completed but no data is being returned. The response code is also returned in ...
Syncml(205): The source SHOULD update their content. The originator of the request is being told that their content SHOULD ...
Syncml(206): The response indicates that only part of the command was completed. If the remainder of the command can be completed ...
Syncml(207): Conflict resolved with merge. The response indicates that the request created a conflict; which was resolved ...