There are header-only messages in this account. Select header-only messages, mark for download, and then do a Send/Receive. For any messages that you do not want to download the complete message, delete the header.
There are documents in {0}'s Drop Off Library that have been there for {1} days or more. Each document will remain in the ...
There are errors in the selected synchronization settings. The offending items are highlighted and the tooltip for each displays ...
There are existing backup copies of this section that will not be password protected. (!idspnOneNote) will protect any future ...
There are external structured references on this workbook, which are not allowed in shared workbooks. If you share this workbook, ...
There are header-only messages in this account. Select header-only messages, mark for download, and then do a Send/Receive. ...
There are limitations to the ability of the Office applications to migrate ActiveX control link references from one format ...
There are lookups which cannot be automatically resolved in this tool. Unresolved lookups can prevent the tool from working ...
There are mail merge fields in at least one of your stories. Publisher cannot spell check the contents of your mail merge ...
There are more than one association between the two external content types. Only one association between two external content ...