The error message that appears when you enter a value prohibited by the validation rule. Press F1 for help on validation text.
The Docking property can't be set to '|1' at this time.@If you want to set the Docking property to '|2', move the toolbar ...
The document could not be edited. The required application may not be installed properly, or the requested document cannot ...
The document(s) you are importing contain XML Schema (XSD) information created outside |9.@XML Schema information created ...
The dynamic-link library Commdlg failed: error code '0x|'.@The printer driver for the selected printer may be incorrectly ...
The error message that appears when you enter a value prohibited by the validation rule. Press F1 for help on validation ...
The event procedure '|' can't be a Function procedure; it must be a Sub procedure.@If you want to run a Function procedure ...
The existing data violates the '|1' property for field '|2.'@If you continue testing, |9 will inform you if data violates ...
The Exit or Update operation failed.@You pressed the ESC key (or another key used in the OLE server to stop an operation) ...
The expression you are trying to use for the DefaultValue property is invalid because '|'. Use a valid expression to set ...