Lists the virtual sites on the machine. This command can be used to find a specific site by using its identifier or url, or match zero or more sites based on the specified site attributes.
Lists the quotas that exceed a certain disk space usage level. Use this report to quickly identify quotas that may be exceeded ...
Lists the quotas that exceed a certain disk space usage level. Use this report to quickly identify quotas that may soon be ...
Lists the status of all client machines that remotely log data to this machine. wsrmc /Get:AccClients /o: /y /o Saves the ...
Lists the usage of volume resources for shadow copies. Use this report to identify inconsistencies in diff area configuration ...
Lists the virtual sites on the machine. This command can be used to find a specific site by using its identifier or url, ...
Lists tm and tx objects Usage: ktmutil tx list Lists all transactions ktmutil tx list {TmGuid} Lists transactions in a tm ...
Lists types of files that cannot be used offline. This setting lets you exclude certain types of files from automatic and ...
LLMNR name resolution is used to resolve a single-label, unqualified name. It is attempted only if DNS name resolution failed ...
Load and unload device drivers This user right determines which users can dynamically load and unload device drivers or other ...