Interpret as 21st century for two-digit years before XX Indicates the earliest two-digit year that you want Excel to interpret as being in the twenty-first century. For example, if you enter 40, Excel interprets the years 00 through 39 as 2000 through 2039 and the years 40 through 99 as 1940 through 1999. Accepts: whole number from 4 through 99.
Inside Vertical Border Adds or removes an internal vertical border between selected paragraphs or cells. Internal vertical ...
Instead of hiding the horizontal scroll bar, you can make it smaller by dragging the handle at its left. To restore the scroll ...
Internet paths with hyperlinks Formats internet paths as hyperlink fields so you can jump directly to an item by clicking ...
Interpolated Interpolates data points that represent blank cells, and fills in the gaps with connecting lines. Affects: only ...
Interpret as 21st century for two-digit years before XX Indicates the earliest two-digit year that you want Excel to interpret ...
is a calculated column. Allow any values to appear in this column? If you choose Yes, the calculated formula will no longer ...
is a calculated column. Use this new formula for all rows in the list? If you choose No, this formula will not propagate ...
is a logical value for the function to return: the cumulative distribution function = TRUE; the probability density function ...
is a logical value representing the timing of payment: at the end of the period = 0 or omitted, at the beginning of the period ...