This table already has the maximum number of fields with the same data type as '|'. For the purposes of this calculation, Number and Currency are considered the same data type.
This report contains the information you need to re-create your workgroup file and regain access to your security-enhanced ...
This site has exceeded its allowed memory. Interactions with your application will be limited until the site's memory usage ...
This stage of the conversion process is finished. To complete the conversion process, synchronize this replica to the (converted) ...
This table already has the maximum number of fields with the data type specified. For the purposes of this calculation, Number ...
This table already has the maximum number of fields with the same data type as '|'. For the purposes of this calculation, ...
This table contains one or more Lookup fields. Display values for Lookup fields cannot be changed by using the Replace operation.@1@1@865@1 ...
This table no longer exists on the server. Click Requery Object List on the File menu to obtain the current list of server ...
This table or query can't be opened because it has no visible fields.@This can result if the table or query has only system ...
This template cannot be used because it requires a later version of |9. See (!idspnOfficeOnline_Long) for the latest templates ...