Allows all users of this app to open connection to your web database from their location. Once opened to a location, any program like Access, Excel, Sql Server Management Studio can be used to connect to the web database using the database connection information. This is only supported from locations on IPv4.
All Data fields must be summarized (using Sum, Avg, Min, Max, or Count) when a date field is used in the Axis or Series. ...
All of the other pre-existing objects in your database will remain visible within Access, but they will not be shown on the ...
All open objects must be closed before instantiating this application part.@Do you want |9 to close all open objects?@19@2 ...
All users belong to the Users group in all workgroup information files. By default the wizard assigns no permissions to the ...
Allows all users of this app to open connection to your web database from their location. Once opened to a location, any ...
Allows for a named collection of macro actions in the macro that can only be called by a RunMacro or OnError macro action. ...
already exists. |9 must create a backup of your file before you perform the repair operation. Enter a name for the backup ...
An action within the current global menu's macro group can't change the global menu bar.@|9 can't display the global menu ...
An area chart emphasizes the total amount of change over time by displaying the sum of the plotted values. It also shows ...