Unable to apply this change while debugging. A method containing usage of an embedded interop type/member was affected. You must revert the change or stop the debugging session. To enable Edit and Continue, try setting Embed Interop Types to False for COM references when debugging.
Unable to add content region, because it would require converting the current document to a Master Page. The converted page ...
Unable to add installer. The designer could not be shown for the ProjectInstaller class. Check to make sure there are no ...
Unable to add reference '{0}' to the current application. Check that a different version of '{0}' is not already referenced. ...
Unable to apply a character set from a meta tag. The problem occurred because %1 is not installed on your system. This resource ...
Unable to apply this change while debugging. A method containing usage of an embedded interop type/member was affected. You ...
Unable to attach to the process "{0}". Visual Studio has insufficient privileges. To profile this process, Visual Studio ...
Unable to automatically configure and launch remote debugging because of an incompatibility between versions of Internet ...
Unable to build custom action named '%1' from project output group '%2' because the project output group does not have a ...
Unable to build the multi-file assembly files of assembly '%1'. '%1' has references to files which cannot be found in its ...