Removing address list "{0}" as well as all of its children and updating all recipients that fall under their recipient filter. This action may take a long time to complete.
Remove-OWAVirtualDirectory could not find a Web site with the path {0} to search for virtual directories that are using forms-based ...
Removes a self-signed SSL certificate from the specified local machine certificate store, including all certificate copies ...
Removes the provisioned server object. /ForeignForestFQDN Creates another set of Exchange security groups in a separate forest. ...
Removing Address List "{0}" and updating all recipients that fall under its recipient filter. This action may take a long ...
Removing address list "{0}" as well as all of its children and updating all recipients that fall under their recipient filter. ...
Removing managed custom folder "{0}". This will remove all managed content settings that apply to this folder for all mailboxes ...
Removing the distribution groups will remove the Windows group objects. Are you sure you want to remove these {0} groups? ...
Removing the e-mail address policy "{0}" and updating all recipients that fall under its recipient filter. This action may ...
Removing the mailbox will remove the Windows user object and mark the mailbox in the database for removal. Are you sure you ...