' DECLARE @MarkMainTraceComplete BIT DECLARE @IsVisible BIT -- The goal is to find the parent activity of the activity we are trying to update -- this information is stored in the continuations table. Since we are making decisions -- based on this value, we need to prevent users from updating this value after we read, or -- if we find nothing, we need to prevent them from inserting a value. To prevent insertion, -- we take an applock on the ActivityID and our protocol requires that before a continuation is -- added an exclusive applock will be taken on our id. To prevent it from changing, we use -- repeatable read locks. The value could change if our current parent turns out to not be the -- root and so when his continuation is established, we would be pointed to his new parent. -- If current trace is a continuation, RowID is its parent activity ID -- otherwise RowID is current activity ID (main trace or a new trace) DECLARE @RowID NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @@ret INT DECLARE @@parentTemp NVARCHAR(128) SET @@parentTemp = @ActivityID WHILE (@@parentTemp IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @RowID = @@parentTemp EXEC @@ret = sp_getapplock @@parentTemp, 'Shared', 'Transaction', 100 IF (@@ret < 0) -- lock not granted BEGIN RAISERROR('Lock not granted', 16, 1) RETURN END SET @@parentTemp = NULL SELECT @@parentTemp = ParentActivityID FROM
Database Upgrade Setup will upgrade the following databases. Please backup these databases before you click Upgrade on the ...
Database: 2]. MergeDatabase: Unable to write errors to Error table. Could be due to a non-nullable column in a predefined ...
DATETIME) IF ((@MinPopulationYear IS NULL) OR (@MaxPopulationYear IS NULL)) BEGIN - Populate from @NewMinPopulationYear to ...
Debugging user validation against group "{0}" failed with error: {1} This could happen if the Debugging Client is not a BizTalk ...
DECLARE @MarkMainTraceComplete BIT DECLARE @IsVisible BIT - The goal is to find the parent activity of the activity we are ...
Decoder could not find the decryption certificate in the "Current User\Personal" certificate store. Unable to decrypt the ...
Decoder could not find the required signer certificate in the "Local Machine\Other People" certificate store. Unable to verify ...
Default host name is not found. Please select to Create BizTalk In-Process Host on the runtime page before proceeding again. ...
Default value for secure strings is not supported. If the type of the parameter is SecureString, do not specify a default ...