The WinRM Shell client cannot process the request. The stream id index from within WSMAN_STREAM_ELEMENT passed to the WSManSendShellInput function is invalid. The stream id index should be an index from within inputStreamSet array passed to the WSManCreateShell function. Change the request with a valid index and try again.
The WinRM Shell client cannot process the request. One of the parameters required for the WSMansReceiveShellOutput function ...
The WinRM Shell client cannot process the request. One of the stream id name passed to the WSManCreateShell function is null ...
The WinRM Shell client cannot process the request. The command handle passed to the WSMan Shell function is not valid. The ...
The WinRM Shell client cannot process the request. The shell handle passed to the WSMan Shell function is not valid. The ...
The WinRM Shell client cannot process the request. The stream id index from within WSMAN_STREAM_ELEMENT passed to the WSManSendShellInput ...
The WinRM Shell client cannot process the request. The stream name passed to the WSManSendShellInput function is not valid. ...
The WinRM Shell client cannot process the request. The stream or list of streams passed to the WSManReceiveShellOutput function ...
The WinRS client cannot process the request. An invalid flag was specified for this request. Remove or change the invalid ...
The WinRS client cannot process the request. One of the parameters required for the WinrsGet function is null or zero. Change ...