This report definition is referenced by one or more report groups or schedules. Remove these associations before deleting the report definition.
This reply is being updated by the vendor. If you continue, the vendor will not be allowed to make or submit updates. Do ...
This report can be generated only if you specify a prefecture, or if you select a city/ward. Specify a prefecture in the ...
This report can't upload because Dynamics 365 Reporting Extensions, required components for reporting, are not installed ...
This report can't upload because there are restrictions with SQL Server Reporting Services reports when Report Definition ...
This report definition is referenced by one or more report groups or schedules. Remove these associations before deleting ...
This report does not look like a valid Sped ECF report. Make sure you are using the report provided by Microsoft to generate ...
This report group can't be displayed. Make sure that your computer has an internet connection and that Management Reporter ...
This report has a reference to a field that does not exist in the dataset. {0} You can recreate the dataset by opening the ...
This report has a reference to a field that does not exist in the dataset.%9 You can recreate the dataset by opening the ...