WARNING: The disk onto which you have recovered has bad clusters due to which some of your backed up data could not be restored. Please run CHKDSK /R on volume(s) %1 to attempt to correct the errors.
WARNING: Some of these commands have the potential to break your Active Directory Domain Services installation, and should ...
Warning: The "RID manager reference" for domain DN %1 refers to a deleted object. This can occur if the machine has been ...
Warning: The associated pointer (PTR) record cannot be created, probably because the referenced reverse lookup zone cannot ...
Warning: the directory service on %1!ws! has not completed initial synchronization. Other services will be delayed. Verify ...
WARNING: The disk onto which you have recovered has bad clusters due to which some of your backed up data could not be restored. ...
WARNING: The entire catalog on %1 will be replaced with the catalog from %2 Replication is an irreversable action. Please ...
WARNING: The following components are also used by one or more other applications. If the recovery adversely affects these ...
WARNING: The Key version used by Windows (%ld) is too big to be encoded in a keytab without truncating it to %ld. This is ...
Warning: The next ISTG could not be authoratively determined for site %1. A DC should make an ISTG failover attempt in %2!d! ...