The location of the page file, SMTP server, TEMP or TMP directory may contribute to a performance bottleneck. If there is no disk bottleneck for any of these drives, then the configuration may not be an issue.
The local server couldn't be found. Microsoft Exchange can't update the Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) credentials. ...
The local site contains one or more domain controllers, but none of the domain controllers are running on Windows 2000 SP3 ...
The location "{0}" does not exist. Please specify a valid file or directory to look for agent logs using the -Location parameter. ...
The location of one or more transaction log files may be contributing to a performance bottleneck. This may not be an issue ...
The location of the page file, SMTP server, TEMP or TMP directory may contribute to a performance bottleneck. If there is ...
The location specified for log file copies ({0}) is illegal/invalid. Please verify that the directory exists and is empty. ...
The location specified for the transaction log files is illegal/invalid. the file system. Please verify that the directory ...
The location that you attempted to access is not stored on a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services server or a Windows file ...
The log file %2 for %1 is missing on the production copy. Continuous replication for this storage group is blocked. If you ...