If you open this document in the designer, the project might be corrupted. The document is saved in a format that allows macros, but it is not in a trusted location. To use this document without corrupting the project, add the document location to the list of trusted locations in the Trust Center in Word, and then reopen the document in the designer. Opening the document now might corrupt the project. Do you want to open the document anyway?
If you have test results for this configuration, these results will now be associated with the changed test configuration. ...
If you import database objects into this server project and then deploy the project, all objects will be deployed to the ...
If you match a field to |0, data from that field will be stored in your publication where others might be able to read it. ...
If you need this code group to be Level Final or Exclusive, you can enable these options in the new code group's property ...
If you open this document in the designer, the project might be corrupted. The document is saved in a format that allows ...
If you overwrite existing action recordings, this will affect any other tests that use these shared steps. You have recorded ...
If you remove this region, you will break any attached pages that provide custom content for it. Do you want to continue? ...
If you rename the following control: '{0}', you must manually edit any code that reference this control or it's descendents. ...
If you rename this region, you will break any attached pages that provide custom content for it. Do you want to continue? ...