The index is a mismatch in the minor version number. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
The index '{0}' is out of bounds of the collection. This index is referred to by child TypeDescriptor with Name '{1}' and ...
The index cannot be restored on the specified server because the index role is not enabled on that server. Try restoring ...
The index file location {0} does not have sufficient disk space to complete the topology change and the topology change has ...
The index for the Action or the Verb property for the | object is invalid.@The setting you entered may be a negative number ...
The index is a mismatch in the minor version number. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft ...
The index is a mismatch in the minor version number. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft ...
The index list file cannot be read. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. ...
The index list file cannot be read. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. ...
The index name is restricted to 49 characters, and may not contain the following characters: +~@#'%*()=[]{}|\"<>.?/@ or space. ...