Failed to open registry key {0} for writing. Ensure that test agent has the required permissions to write to the registry.
Failed to load symbol information for the assembly. Files associated with the assembly will not be deployed and source for ...
Failed to load system project defaults file '%s'. The project cannot load without this file installed. Please re-install ...
Failed to load this version Microsoft.Web.Deployment ({0}) reason:{1}. Trying the next one specified in $(_MSDeployVersionsToTry). ...
Failed to open or create the test agent registry key. Ensure that test agent is installed that the config utility has the ...
Failed to open registry key {0} for writing. Ensure that test agent has the required permissions to write to the registry. ...
Failed to open registry key {0} with error code {1}. Please ensure that test agent has required permission to open the registry ...
Failed to open registry key {0}. Please ensure that VM additions are installed on this agent machine and test agent service ...
Failed to open the Visual Studio v10.0 registry key. Ensure that test agent is installed that the config utility has the ...
Failed to open Visual Studio v10.0 registry key. Ensure that the account running the configuration tool has right permissions. ...