GetDelegate Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetDelegate request.
GetCriticalMailboxResources: Checking for Primary Active Manager role by querying the cluster service with command: cluster.exe ...
GetCriticalMailboxResources: Could not contact the server {0} to tell if it can host the Primary ActiveManager. Because the ...
GetCriticalMailboxResources: Could not contact the server {0} to tell if it can host the Primary ActiveManager. Because the ...
GetCriticalMailboxResources: {0}\{1} is a critical resource, removing {2} copy hosted on {3} will critically affect redundancy ...
GetDelegate Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetDelegate ...
GetDelegate Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetDelegate web method since the service ...
GetDirectoryObjects returns an error in service instance '%5'. ContextID: %1. ObjectId: %2. ObjectClass: %3. ErrorCode: %4. ...
GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration Requests is the total number of requests for the GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration web method. ...
GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration Requests per second is the number of GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration requests processed each ...