Complete: implements extensive change tracking at the Publisher to support data transformations and advanced row filtering
Communications to the remote server instance '%1!s!' failed to complete before its timeout. The ALTER DATABASE command may ...
Compares the value of a numeric expression in one period to a previous period, as a percentage of the previous period's value. ...
complete for pool . {2} Delete for {2} blobs attempted, {3} blobs were deleted. {4} blobs were not found in the blob store. ...
Complete metadata information for the data source column "%1!s!" is not available. Make sure the column is correctly defined ...
Complete: implements extensive change tracking at the Publisher to support data transformations and advanced row filtering ...
Component "%1!s!" (%2!d!) has been removed from the Data Flow task because its output is not used and its inputs either have ...
Component "%1!s!" could not be created and returned error code 2!8.8X!. Make sure that the component is registered correctly. ...
Component '%1!s!' is outside of allowed range. Maximum for 'fractionDigits' is 10 and maximum number of digits for non fractional ...
Component ID {0} is not valid. Valid components include Database Engine, Analysis Services, DTS, Reporting Services and Integration ...