This conflict record has |2 related conflicts in the table '|1' that were also logged at the same time. Would you like for these related to be resolved as well? This may take some time if there are many conflicts. If you choose No, these conflicts will be displayed in the Conflict Viewer the next time you view conflicts for this table.
This action will reset the current code in break mode.@Do you want to stop the running code?@* To halt the execution of the ...
This cell contains the text string . You can press Ctrl+0 inside the cell to replace it with a NULL value. Do you want to ...
This column displays the argument settings for the action. You can edit arguments in the Action Arguments section at the ...
This command is not available when the database is opened from the Web server. Would you like to save a local copy of the ...
This conflict record has |2 related conflicts in the table '|1' that were also logged at the same time. Would you like for ...
This connection file refers to a provider not supported by data access pages.@Please select a different connection file.@1 ...
This database also contains conflicts resulting from synchronizing with a WindowsCE database. Would you like to view these ...
This database contains links to lists on the selected SharePoint site. Do you want to be able to add shortcuts to each list's ...
This database does not have a Visual Basic project, so it can't be made into an MDE file.@Open the database in |9 to create ...