The XAP file exceeds the maximum allowed size of {0}, and the current size is {1}. Reduce your file size and then try again.
The XA Transaction Manager called the "GetXaSwitch" function in the XA resource manager DLL. The call to the "GetXaSwitch" ...
The XA Transaction Manager called the "GetXaSwitch" function in the XA resource manager DLL. The call to the "GetXaSwitch" ...
The XA Transaction Manager cannot load the requested XA Dll (%1) since a registry entry is required for this operation. Please ...
The XA Transaction Manager is in an inconsistent state and cannot proceed. XA transactions will not take place. Please contact ...
The XAP file exceeds the maximum allowed size of {0}, and the current size is {1}. Reduce your file size and then try again. ...
The XCountChars property, used for processes creating a console window, specifies the screen buffer width in character columns. ...
The xml document could not be read because it was larger than expected. The data did not fit within the buffer size of '%1' ...
The XOffCharacter property specifies the value of the XOFF character for both transmission and reception. XOFF is a software ...
The XOffXMitThreshold property specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed in the input buffer before the XOFF character ...