User logon name. Type the user logon name of the new user and select the mail domain used for your other on-premises users. For example,
User licenses already assigned to specific mailboxes for Exchange Online Plan 2D (Standalone Exchange Online Dedicated Plan) ...
User licenses assigned to specific mailboxes for Exchange Online Kiosk D (Standalone Exchange Online Dedicated Plan) and ...
User licenses assigned to specific mailboxes for Exchange Online Plan 1D (Standalone Exchange Online Dedicated Plan) and ...
User logon name . Type the user logon name of the new user and select the primary SMTP domain used for your other on-premises ...
User logon name. Type the user logon name of the new user and select the mail domain used for your other on-premises users. ...
User logon name. Type the user logon name of the new user and select the primary SMTP domain used for your other on-premises ...
User name and password couldn't be emailed to one or more of the users you just provided. We recommend that you save or print ...
User removed a member or guest from a SharePoint group. This might have been an intentional action or the result of another ...
User reported a problem with mail filtering. This can include false positives, missed spam, or missed phishing email messages. ...