It is not possible to connect to the SQL database on the server. View the event log on the server for details or contact your system administrator.
It is advisable to run report "Reconcile Cust. And Vend. Accs" to check the integrity between GL, AR and AP. Report can be ...
It is not possible to add new lines to this service contract with the current working date\because it will cause a gap in ...
It is not possible to change the property 'DataPerCompany' when there are records in the %1.1 table. Follow these guidelines:/n/n* ...
It is not possible to connect to the SQL Database on the server. Please view the Event Log on the server for details or contact ...
It is not possible to connect to the SQL database on the server. View the event log on the server for details or contact ...
It is not possible to delete a table definition (the %1.1 table) if there are records in the table./n/nDelete all records ...
It is not possible to initialize the TCP/IP connection./n/nCheck whether your TCP/IP program is installed and configured ...
It is not possible to insert a value and a box at the same time. The data that will appear in this label in the XML file ...
It is not possible to make changes because the program was started with the program property 'dbreadonly' (read access only)./n/nContact ...