Exchange has detected an inconsistency in the Active Directory configuration for the following virtual directories. This can happen if the Exchange ActiveSync virtual directories were deleted in IIS Manager. Please verify that you have access to the metabase on the servers listed below. To fix this inconsistency, run the following command, which will remove references to these virtual directories from Active Directory:Remove-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Identity "{0}
Exchange front-end server {2} has /3GB set in the Boot.ini file. Better performance would result if this value was removed. ...
Exchange had to force the configuration update for %1 %2 time(s). This might indicate a problem with Active Directory notifications. ...
Exchange has added the string "ncacn_HTTP:6004" to the following registry key entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentCo ...
Exchange has detected an inconsistency in the Active Directory configuration for the following virtual directories. This ...
Exchange has detected an inconsistency in the Active Directory configuration for the following virtual directories. This ...
Exchange Health Manager scheduling latency has been above 100ms since '{Monitor.FirstAlertObservedTime}'. Sustained high ...
Exchange Hosted Filtering administation synchronization operation failed due to a permanent error in the EHF Adminsync service. ...
Exchange Hosted Filtering administation synchronization operation failed due to a transient error in the EHF Adminsync service. ...
Exchange Hosted Filtering provisioning operation failed because invalid credentials were supplied to EHF. Please verify Edge ...