You are attempting to create a parent or link a record with itself. This would create a circular reference, which is not allowed. You must select a different parent.
You are accessing a third-party website and service. You should review the third-party's terms and privacy policy before ...
You are applying a runtime application package on a development environment. This will prevent you from editing the source ...
You are attempting to connect a record to itself. This would create a circular reference, which is not allowed. You must ...
You are attempting to connect to the local host, possibly loopback on this machine is currently blocked for Windows Store ...
You are attempting to create a parent or link a record with itself. This would create a circular reference, which is not ...
You are attempting to create a user with a domain logon that is already used by another user. Select another domain logon ...
You are attempting to disable a trading relationship that has at least one agreement with the status Effective. If you proceed, ...
You are attempting to enable a trading relationship. At least one sales agreement with the status Effective exists in company ...
You are attempting to enter values that will change the source document amounts for this purchase order. Because invoicing ...