BranchCache cannot publish the content with content-id: %2 because the publication cache size was exceeded or the disk does not have enough space. Error: %3 %4 Run the command "netsh branchcache set publicationcachesize" from an elevated command prompt to increase the cache size.
Both this domain and the specified domain This option creates trust relationships in both the local and the specified domains. ...
Both VssCopyBackup and VssFullBackup cannot be specified. Choose to create VSS full backups if you are not using any other ...
BranchCache cannot initialize the local cache at location %1. Error: %2 %3 Possible reasons are that the local cache directory ...
BranchCache cannot publish the content at location %1. Error: %2 %3 This might be because the publication directory location ...
BranchCache cannot publish the content with content-id: %2 because the publication cache size was exceeded or the disk does ...
BranchCache Configuration # - pushd BranchCache set service status=%1!s! %2!s! set cachesize size=%3!s! percent=%4!s! set ...
BranchCache enables clients to securely retrieve content from within the branch office instead of having to retrieve it from ...
BranchCache for network files installs the services that are necessary to allow computers in branch offices to cache commonly ...
BranchCache installs the services needed to provide BranchCache client functionality. It also provides BranchCache server ...