Failed to import default reports. Ensure the config file is set: [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.SetData("APP_CONFIG_FILE", path_to_app_config)
Failed to create or open session control file (axdat.udb) in shared write mode. The problem is caused by insufficient access ...
Failed to create Visual Studio Team Services work items. Please check the Visual Studio Team Services settings in Project ...
Failed to export Business Process "{0}" because solution does not include corresponding Business Process entity "{1}". If ...
Failed to generate the user token for Dynamics Lifecycle services on behalf on user %1. Please contact your system administrator. ...
Failed to import default reports. Ensure the config file is set: System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.SetData("APP_CONFIG_FILE", ...
Failed to retrieve details for the action center. If this continues, please contact support with the following error identifier: ...
Failed to store AAD tenant ID for token cache, the cache does not contain any metadata. Make sure that the token cache has ...
Failed to update the flag in offline database which checks if initial full sync package has been requested after offline ...
Failed to update Visual Studio Team Services credentials. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact support. ...