Changes have been made to the xml file {0}. To protect your system the file will not be loaded. To make the {1} page visible again you must restore the original XML file from your Exchange setup location.
Categorizer non-retryable error count exceeds an average of {7} per day for SMTP instance '{3}' on server {2}. There may ...
Categorizer out of memory failure count exceeds an average of {7} per day for SMTP instance '{3}' on server {2}. There may ...
Categorizer retryable error count exceeds an average of {7} per day for SMTP instance '{3}' on server {2}. There may be a ...
Caution: Because passwords are sent in clear text you should configure a Secure Channel (SSL) to encrypt data transferred ...
Changes have been made to the xml file {0}. To protect your system the file will not be loaded. To make the {1} page visible ...
Changes have been saved to Active Directory sucessfully, but a failure occured while trying to update metabase properties. ...
Changes made to recipients while using the forest scope may not be immediately viewable in the result pane or when filtering ...
Check the server configuration for this service. For example, check the capabilities that the server supports. You can use ...
Check whether there are common destinations shared by messages in the 'Local delivery' queue (this step is conducted only ...