Some features of the Space Plan template cannot be used because automation events are not enabled. To enable automation events, click on the File tab, click on Options, click on Advanced, and check the box next to Enable Automation events.
Some data may not be displayed.@There is not enough horizontal space on the page for the number of columns and column spacing ...
Some e-mail messages you receive might be written in languages you are unfamiliar with and don't want to read. These messages ...
Some errors occurred while processing the tests. Review the list of errors below for more details. If the problem persist ...
Some features in this file are not supported by earlier versions of Project. Click Continue to save the file anyway. The ...
Some features of the Space Plan template cannot be used because automation events are not enabled. To enable automation events, ...
Some features referenced by the content database |0, are not installed in the current farm. The content that uses these features ...
Some field types, such as attachment fields and calculated fields, are not supported in the MDB or ADP database. Do you want ...
Some fields in your data source contain invalid types of data. One field may be empty across all entries. To import the data ...
Some fields that you have inserted into your publication have been renamed or deleted from your data source. The places where ...