The specified button is invalid or is not present at the current time, or there is no button present at the specified location.%0
The SpecificationVersion property indicates the version number of the initialization data specification (upon which the structure ...
The specified account name is not valid, because account names cannot contain the following characters: /\[]\":;|<>+=,?*@ ...
The specified authorization store does not have a valid format. The valid formats are msxml://filepath or msldap://CN=myStore,CN=Program ...
The specified AUTOCHK initiation countdown time cannot be less than zero or larger than %1 seconds. The default is %2 seconds. ...
The specified button is invalid or is not present at the current time, or there is no button present at the specified location.%0 ...
The specified changes will not take effect until the Telephony service is restarted. Restarting the Telephony service may ...
The specified column name {0} used for sort is not valid or is in conflict with a /group operation. Specify another column ...
The specified component download folder: %s is invalid, incomplete, too long, or write-protected. Please click on the advanced ...
The specified computer does not host Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Please select a different computer or install Microsoft SQL ...