TOPPERCENT=3=«Set», «Percentage», «Numeric Expression»=Sorts a set and returns the topmost elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage.
Too many tables. The query and the views or functions in it exceed the limit of %1!s! tables. Revise the query to reduce ...
TOPCOUNT=3= , , =The TopCount function returns the first n-item rows of the table expression, ordered in descending order ...
TOPCOUNT=3= Set , Count , Numeric Expression ]=Returns a specified number of items from the topmost members of a specified ...
TOPPERCENT=3= , , =The TopPercent function returns the smallest number of rows in descending order such that the sum of the ...
TOPPERCENT=3= Set , Percentage , Numeric Expression =Sorts a set and returns the topmost elements whose cumulative total ...
TOPSUM=3= , , =The TopSum function returns the smallest number of rows in descending order such that the sum of the rank ...
TOPSUM=3= Set , Value , Numeric Expression =Sorts a set and returns the topmost elements whose cumulative total is at least ...
Total amount of memory granted to executing processes. This memory is used primarily for hash, sort and create index operations. ...
Total number of cache hits that were unable to build an indexed iterator over the filtered results and had to build a new ...