Provider %1 failed to initialize but still has %2 registered endpoints. Providers are required to close all endpoints and release all allocated resources if their initialization function fails.
Provide new credentials for "%ws" Open the Save/Replace credentials dialog box to replace the existing credentials or delete ...
Provide the location of the UNIX-based NIS map source files. You can either copy the files to a local directory or enter ...
Provide the user name and password to use for scheduling the backup. The user account must have write permission to the remote ...
Provider %1 did not close its registered endpoints during shutdown. There are %2 endpoints still open. Providers are required ...
Provider %1 failed to initialize but still has %2 registered endpoints. Providers are required to close all endpoints and ...
Provider %1 was loaded from %2 and initialized successfully but provider did not register required callback functions. These ...
Provider %1 was loaded from %2 and initialized successfully but the provider did not register the required callback functions. ...
Provider cannot determine the value. Possible reasons: The record was just created, the default value for the field was not ...
Provider cannot keep track of all the changes. Client must refetch the data associated with the watch region by using another ...