The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because there was a transport-level error during the authentication conversation.
The user can try the other repair options given during diagnosis. If all repair options have been attempted, the user may ...
The user cannot change his or her password because the change password option is not enabled for the matching network policy. ...
The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because the authentication process did not complete within the required ...
The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because the following internal authentication error occurred in the third ...
The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because there was a transport-level error during the authentication conversation. ...
The user could not be authenticated using Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). A reversibly encrypted password ...
The user could not change his or her password because the new password did not meet the password requirements for this network. ...
The user creating the cluster requires the 'Create Computer Object' permission on the container where computer objects are ...
The user disk quota information is unusable. To ensure accuracy, the file system quota information on the device %1 with ...