InitializeRelatedReference should only be used to initialize a new EntityReference during deserialization of an entity object.
Inheritance security rules violated by type: '%1'. Derived types must either match the security accessibility of the base ...
Inheritance security rules violated while overriding member: '%1'. Security accessibility of the overriding method must match ...
InheritanceBehavior must be set when the instance is not yet connected to a tree. Set InheritanceBehavior when the object ...
InheritInChildApplications cannot be set to "false" if the location path is referring to machine.config or the root web.config. ...
InitializeRelatedReference should only be used to initialize a new EntityReference during deserialization of an entity object. ...
InitializeRuntime requires that the Description property be initialized. Either provide a valid ServiceDescription in the ...
Initializes a new {0} object using the connection string found in the '{1}' section of the application configuration file. ...
Input message does not conform to Simple SOAP Binding Profile Version 1.0. Requirement R1012: A MESSAGE MUST serialize the ...
Input module must contain at least one public type that is located inside a namespace. The only types found inside namespaces ...