Cluster resource '%1' in clustered role '%2' rejected a move request to node '%3'. The error code was '%4'. Cluster resource '%1' may be busy or in a state where it cannot be moved. The cluster service may automatically retry the move.
Cluster resource '%1' (resource type '%2', DLL '%3') did not respond to a request in a timely fashion. Cluster health detection ...
Cluster resource '%1' cannot be brought online because the associated service failed an attempted restart. The error code ...
Cluster resource '%1' cannot be brought online because the associated service failed to start. The service return code is ...
Cluster resource '%1' in clustered role '%2' has received a critical state notification. For a virtual machine this indicates ...
Cluster resource '%1' in clustered role '%2' rejected a move request to node '%3'. The error code was '%4'. Cluster resource ...
Cluster resource '%1' of type '%3' in clustered role '%2' failed due to an attempt to block a required state change in that ...
Cluster resource '%1' of type '%3' in clustered role '%2' failed. Based on the failure policies for the resource and role, ...
Cluster resource '%1' of type '%3' in clustered role '%2' failed. The error code was '%4'. Based on the failure policies ...
Cluster resource '%1' of type '%3' in clustered role '%2' failed. The error code was '%5' ('%4'). Based on the failure policies ...