Could not delete the domain '{0}' because one or more integrated applications are currently using this domain. For example, the application named '{1}' is using it.
Could not create the support package job. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Support. ...
Could not create the virtual machine because naming conflicts might exist within the data required. Please contact support ...
Could not delete share '{0}'. Wait for a few minutes and then retry this operation. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft ...
Could not delete the backup policy '{0}'. Please retry this operation. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Support. ...
Could not delete the domain '{0}' because one or more integrated applications are currently using this domain. For example, ...
Could not delete {0}' volume container as it has one or more associated volumes. Take the volumes offline and then try deleting ...
Could not download the remote management certificate. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact ...
Could not load alerts. Wait for a few minutes and then retry this operation. If the problem persists, please contact Microsoft ...
Could not load and validate VM image. Ensure that the image is valid and has the right Windows Azure components installed ...