Discovery data generated by discovery source id '%1' has invalid topology relationships. This can be due to the following reasons: -- More than one discovery data item describes relationships for the same health service id. -- The discovery data contained entity instances; only relationships should be generated. -- The relationships were not agent communication relationship types. -- The source entity instance id specifies a singleton type. No existing topology relationships were changed.
Discovery data couldn't be inserted to the database. This could have happened because of one of the following reasons: - ...
Discovery data couldn't be inserted to the database. This could have happened because of one of the following reasons: - ...
Discovery data generated by discovery source id '%1' has invalid topology relationships. The health service id %2 should ...
Discovery data generated by discovery source id '%1' has invalid topology relationships. The health service id %2 should ...
Discovery data generated by discovery source id '%1' has invalid topology relationships. This can be due to the following ...
Discovery data generated by discovery source id '%1' has invalid topology relationships. This can be due to the following ...
Discovery data has been received from a rule targeted at a non-existent monitoring object id. MonitoringObjectId: {0} RuleId: ...
Discovery data has been received from a rule targeted at a non-existent monitoring object id. MonitoringObjectId: {0} RuleId: ...
Discovery data has been submitted with both disabled and enabled scopes in a single response by rule %5. This is not supported ...