Table {0} does not have a clustered primary key. Creation of an Spatial index requires a clustered primary key on the table.
Table error: The FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! for object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s! is in filegroup %5!s!, ...
Table error: The orphaned file "%1!s!" was found in the FILESTREAM directory ID %2!s! for object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, ...
Table hints in the definitions of indexed views are ignored in 80 compatibility mode and are not allowed in 90 mode or later. ...
Table partitioning scheme information will not be scripted for article '{0}' because the partition scheme references the ...
Table {0} does not have a clustered primary key. Creation of an Spatial index requires a clustered primary key on the table. ...
Table {0} does not have a clustered primary key. Creation of an XML index requires a clustered primary key on the table. ...
Table {0} is not accessible from MS SQL Server through the linked server {1}. Please check the linked server and the permissions.| ...
Table {0} must be converted and saved to the target database before you migrate its data. Verify that you have already converted ...
Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 5!s! (user-defined table type). The specified ...