|9 can't perform the OLE operation because it was unable to write to the Windows Registry where the OLE server is registered.@Reinstall the OLE server, and then try the operation again. If problems continue, reinstall Microsoft Windows and the other applications on your computer. If you reinstall |9, you may want to back up your |9 workgroup information file first to preserve any custom settings. For information on backing up files, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'backing up files'. For information on the Windows Registry, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'registry'.@@1@@@1
can't output because there are too many controls selected that have different styles, such as color and font.@Select fewer ...
can't output data now.@* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again. You may be ...
can't overwrite '|1': the replica can't be created at this location.@The file you are trying to overwrite may be open.@Close ...
can't perform the OLE operation because it was unable to read the Windows Registry where the OLE server is registered.@Reinstall ...
can't perform the OLE operation because it was unable to write to the Windows Registry where the OLE server is registered.@Reinstall ...
can't perform the operation specified in the Action property of the Visual Basic procedure you're trying to run.@The object ...
can't print '|1' because it is an action query.@Because action queries don't produce a recordset, you can't print a Datasheet ...
can't print macros.@You tried to use the PrintOut action or method, but the active object is a macro.@If you want to print ...
can't read the |1 object because communication was interrupted.@If the OLE server application is located on a network server, ...