Modifies or displays the replication authentication mode in use by an ADAM configuration set. [SYNTAX] /replauthmode [DSA_LIST] [] (AD LDS only) is either an integer, or one of the ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_*** constants
Modification Made Removing Object Type: %1 Removing Object Name: %2 Removing Object GUID: %3 Logon ID: %4 Removed Member ...
Modification Made Removing Object Type: %1 Removing Object Name: %2 Removing Object GUID: %3 Logon ID: %4 Unreferenced Object ...
Modifications or transforms allow you to customize the package and are applied to the package in the order shown in the following ...
Modified Page List Bytes is the amount of physical memory, in bytes, that is assigned to the modified page list. This memory ...
Modifies or displays the replication authentication mode in use by an ADAM configuration set. SYNTAX /replauthmode DSA_LIST ...
Modifies the specified 24-hour schedule. 1. wsrmc /Modify:Sched /i: /Force must be a valid XML file. /Force overrides time-stamp ...
Modifies the specified Policy. 1. wsrmc /Modify:Pol /i: /Force must be a valid XML file. /Force overrides time-stamp checking. ...
Modify an object label This privilege determines which user accounts can modify the integrity label of objects, such as files, ...
Modify auto apply quotas. The syntax of this command is: Dirquota Autoquota Modify /Path:PATH /SourceTemplate:TEMPLATE /Apply:{None|All|Matching} ...