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Extension scope handler class {0} contains an ExtensionScope attribute that specifies an invalid domain class type ({1}). ...
Extension scope handler class {0} contains an ExtensionScope attribute that specifies an unknown ExtensionClassification ...
Extensions to Delete on Clean : Semi-colon delimited wildcard specification for which files in the intermediate directory ...
Extensions To Include : The list of file extensions to include when "Include In Project" is selected for a folder or when ...
External Help is not available because Microsoft Document Explorer is not installed. To view Help, change your Help preferences ...
Externally visible types that implement non-public interfaces should not be extensible. Types that extend public types with ...
Extra characters '%1' were found at the end of the instrumentation data file specification on a command line in the %2 section ...
Extract some values from the main pie and combine them into a second pie. Use it to make small percentages more readable ...
Extract some values from the main pie and combine them into a stacked bar. Use it to make small percentages more readable ...