This crawl has been paused by the search system while a new query server is added. After the new query server is online, the crawl will be resumed.
This copy of Microsoft Office is designed for corporate or institutional customers. Connect your computer to your corporate ...
This copy of the form will not be signed because it is saved as source files. To sign the form permanently, select a certificate ...
This copy of ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL^ has been modified in a way which is in violation of the ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL^ license ...
This could happen if your DatabaseRegionStart webbot has an empty or missing s-columnnames or s-columntypes attributes. You ...
This crawl has been paused by the search system while a new query server is added. After the new query server is online, ...
This custom chart type does not exist. To add it to your list of custom chart types, you can format the chart the way that ...
This custom chart type does not exist. To create a new custom chart type with this name, format the chart the way you want. ...
This custom item has been imported, and its content has not been changed. Additional work might be required for this item ...
This customization includes a location that may be specific to 32-bit or 64-bit operating systems. Please verify this location ...