%11User "%1" at "%2" failed to start a Remote Control session with "%3" due to insufficient security credentials.%12 Solution: Verify that the logged on user is a member of a group that is listed in the Permitted viewers list on the Security tab of the Remote Control Client Agent Properties dialog box.%0
User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a power control command to "%3". WinRM error code: "%4"; PT error code: "%5"; IMR error ...
User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a serial over lan session to "%3". WinRM error code: "%4"; PT error code: "%5"; IMR error ...
User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a status information query from "%3". WinRM error code: "%4"; PT error code: "%5"; IMR ...
User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a system inventory query from "%3". WinRM error code: "%4"; PT error code: "%5"; IMR ...
User "%1" at "%2" failed to start a Remote Control session with "%3" due to insufficient security credentials.%12 Solution: ...
User "%1" at "%2" failed to start a Remote Control session with "%3".%12 Solution: Verify that the Remote Tools Client Agent ...
User "%1" attempted to download the content for software update with CI_ID "%2". Update Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%4", ...
User "%1" attempted to import the content for software update with CI_ID "%2". Update Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%4", ...
User "%1" changed the link information for software update "%2" in program "%4" and package "%3", package version "%5".%12%0 ...