Analysis type identifier/code for the dimension type (e.g. departments, projects, journal types, cost centers, employees, etc.).
An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record. ...
An update is ready to be installed. Do you want to install this update now?\ \Installing the update will take several minutes. ...
An vendor invoice that has not been posted exists for purchase order %1 in this fiscal year. Post the invoice, change it ...
An XML document used to update the navigation structure, including adding custom buttons, menus, and navigation areas to ...
Analysis type identifier/code for the dimension type (e.g. departments, projects, journal types, cost centers, employees, ...
Analytics filter bar. Contains current data set setup: search topic, custom filters, time frame, and total number of posts ...
Analyze figures in general ledger accounts or compare general ledger entries with general ledger budget entries. For example, ...
Analyze the dynamics of your inventory according to key performance indicators that you select, for example inventory turnover. ...
Analyze the dynamics of your purchase volumes. You can also use the report to analyze your vendors' performance and purchase ...