When migrating content to a farm that did not contain Project Server, the content types of Project Issues, Risks, and Documents may be altered such that item links are broken. If you notice that item links are broken after migration, you should update content types.
When last checked, your workbook had almost exceeded the maximum size allowed. You should reduce the size of your workbook. ...
When last checked, your workbook had almost exceeded the maximum workbook size allowed. You should reduce the size of your ...
When library and folder based retention schedules are used, all content type retention schedules are ignored. You may be ...
When list and folder based retention schedules are used, all content type retention schedules are ignored. You may be overwriting ...
When migrating content to a farm that did not contain Project Server, the content types of Project Issues, Risks, and Documents ...
When multiple enterprise projects are open, resource views display all resources from all open projects of the same version. ...
When multiple index components exist, allow other crawl components to failover to this component. This should only be unchecked ...
When multiple workbooks are open simultaneously, this determines whether the user will see a single entry for Excel in the ...
When overriding the WebPartStorage attribute, the value of the Storage parameter must be the same in the derived class as ...