TF250019: The following path could not be deleted: {0}. You must manually delete this path from SharePoint Central Administration.
TF250010: The following querystring parameter is not valid: {0}. It contains the following value, which is either not recognized ...
TF250015: More than one team project is listed as the primary source of data for a team project in the catalog. You must ...
TF250016: No access rights have been granted for the following site: {0}. You must grant access rights between the SharePoint ...
TF250017: The following error occurred: {0}. Your account might not have the required permissions to store data in the database ...
TF250019: The following path could not be deleted: {0}. You must manually delete this path from SharePoint Central Administration. ...
TF250021: A SharePoint site cannot be created in the following location: {0}. Either the path is not valid, or Team Foundation ...
TF250023: A SharePoint site cannot be created under the following location: {0}. Either the path is not valid, or Team Foundation ...
TF250024: The SharePoint site at the following location cannot be deleted: {1}. The following user account does not have ...
TF250025: The following URL does not point to a valid SharePoint site: {0}. Verify that you have the correct URL and that ...