Average Step Execution Length is the average execution time of task steps, in milliseconds, not including external factors such as queue and delay times.
Average RPC Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that it takes for a remote procedure call to return results from ...
Average Safety Net Resubmit Request Time Span is the average time span, in seconds, taken by the resubmit requests that were ...
Average Search-MessageTrackingReport Processing Time is the average time spent per Search-MessageTrackingReport task execution ...
Average Sent Voice Message Size is the average size, in seconds, of voice messages that are sent. This size does not include ...
Average Step Execution Length is the average execution time of task steps, in milliseconds, not including external factors ...
Average Subscriber Call Duration is the average duration, in seconds, that subscribers spent logged on to the system. This ...
Average Subscription Import Time Base is the base for the average time, in seconds, required to import a single subscription ...
Average Subscription Import Time is the average time, in seconds, required to import a single subscription after it has been ...
Average Subscription Processing Time Base is the base for the average time, in seconds, required to process a single subscription. ...