Tip: To reorder items in your list, move the pointer over the list item until the pointer becomes a four-headed arrow, and then drag the item to the new location.
Tip: If you want to limit the tags summary to part of your notes, or just see notes you have tagged recently, choose a different ...
Tip: To drag an item from one list to another, move the pointer over the list item until the pointer becomes a four-headed ...
Tip: To drag an item from one list to another, move the pointer over the list item until the pointer becomes a four-headed ...
Tip: To reorder items in your list, move the pointer over the list item until the pointer becomes a four-headed arrow, and ...
Tip: To reorder items in your list, move the pointer over the list item until the pointer becomes a four-headed arrow, and ...
Tip: You can add more rows and columns to your table in Page Editor. Click the table to open it for editing, and then right-click ...
Tip: You can use the Pen tool as a pointer to aid your discussion during the shared session (Tools > Pen Mode > Use Pen as ...
Titles and descriptions provide alternative, text-based representations of the information contained in tables, diagrams, ...
Titles and descriptions provide alternative, text-based representations of the information contained in tables. This information ...